Hello Lucas, just recently found your blog on substack and am so glad I did! Believe it or not, we are practically neighbors--my family has a place very very much like yours over on (west side) Seneca Lake. We have similar plans for our land as you have, including apples, and more. (Our land is actually an old orchard.) We also have similar (if not the same!) challenges as you have. If you were ever up to it, we would love to visit sometime when it worked for you.

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Hey Christine! What a small world. My time out east is pretty limited this coming year but I'd definitely be interested in meeting up! I'm glad to know someone else is embarking on a similar journey and would love to know what you learn.

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I saw this video about filling old tires with aggregate to make roads that don't need repair. Maybe you could use this technique? https://youtu.be/GdKbbhQWl3s

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Whoah that's super cool!

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